Increase sales on market places

Our software intelligence start reprice according to priority,
Based on your company goals
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MAP price enforcement
& opportunities

How do you compete when you have to follow MAP price enforced ?
Rexora offers solution to increase your sales in such conditions
Sign up for Trail

Liquidate your Inventory

Find slow moving or stagnant products and
converting dead inventory to cash
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Reprice in real time
can help you win the buybox

Automated reprice system that keeps your products ahead of your competation 24 hours a day Sign up for Trail

Grow your business with buybox, set rules to compete against your competitor and stay ahead in the market. Our automated repricer intelligently uses the web Services of amazon and react imediately to win BuyBox at profit as soon as your competitor reprices there product or goes out of stock.


Features that help you sell more with less effort

Advance Search

Filter & find the products by brand, manufacturer, in buybox and not in buybox list


Separate fullfilment channels for FBA / FBM For smooth operation

Advance Buybox

Buybox sorting True/False, Buybox price, buybox shipping, buybox condition, bBuybox rating & reviews , export to CSV according to fulfilment channels

MAP Enforcement

Customize price enchance from MAP to lower price, revert back to MAP as per the condition

Automate Re-Pricing

Schedule repricing by setting up start date and end date, never reprice below or above your minimum and maximum prices

Velocity Based Re-Pricing

Based on targeted sales, our software intelligence start reprice according to priority

Automate Minimum & Maximum Price

Automation on floor and ceiling price, based upon mark up on cost


Advanced track on fast moving items


Easily track your product sales, cost, profit, product performance on your dashboard and get detailed live stream on a glance.


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Manage my services

We have experts who are managing more accounts, So let them mangae even yours and make you profitable

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Rexora.com1313 N. Milpitas Blvd, Suite 127 Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

Phone: +1-408-775-8383